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Services of HealthNet Nepal
Full Internet Access
Users can access a full Internet link to use World Wide Web (WWW), gopher, e-mail, archives and file transfer protocol (FTP). These links can be made over a dial-up modem from a single computer, or a dial-on-demand setup that serves an entire local area network (LAN).
Domain Registration
HealthNet provides free np Domain Registration for Health related personnel and organization.
Web Designing
Having a web page on the Internet is probably the easiest way to advertise to millions of Internet users worldwide. HealthNet can design and update web pages for its customers at very low rates
Web Hosting
For the promotion of Health related organization and personnel, HealthNet Nepal provides web hosting in its Linux Server at free of cost for less than 1 MB space and at minimal cost for greater than 1 MB space.
HealthNet Nepal having a LAN of more than 70 computers around it, also provides Networking for other health related organization.
Internet Advertising
This is the age of advertising and the Internet is the easiest way to reach millions of people. HealthNet Nepal has its own Web site which strike rate is more than 500 per day. By placing your advertisement or links on the website of HealthNet Nepal, you can reach to hundreds every day with no effort.
Nepal related health information resources
A wide variety of information resources related to health in Nepal can be hosted or accessed. These resources include databases, full text journals, health statistics, seminar reports, technical reports and Ph.D. and Masters degree thesis.
Consultancy Service
HealthNet Nepal provides consultancy service in the use of the Internet, database search, participation in discussion groups and Usenet to get maximum benefit from the information services available through the Internet.
Discussion Groups and Usenet
The HealthNet Nepal server provides access to the majority of discussion groups related to health. These discussion groups can be accessed without subscribing to them.
KOHA ILS Support and Installation
Koha is a full-featured open-source ILS. Developed initially in New Zealand by Katipo Communications Ltd and first deployed in January of 2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust, it is currently maintained by a team of software providers and library technology staff from around the globe.
Greesnstone Digital Library Support and Installation
Greenstone is a suite of software for building and distributing digital library collections.The aim of the Greenstone software is to empower users, particularly in universities, libraries, and other public service institutions, to build their own digital libraries.