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Change Dialup Password
Customers are requested to change their password on regular time interval.
Tips on changing password :
- Don't use short and dictionary based password that are easy to remember for anyone
- Use password that contain more than 6 characters and have at least one meta character like comma, period, underscore or some unusual capitalization
- Change your password frequently
- Never share your password with your friends. Sharing your password means sharing your confidential emails also.
- If you have problem while changing password, please call us at 4429722 or mail us at support@healthnet.org.np
Ideas for good passwords :
Password |
How to Remember it |
Mrci7yo! |
My rusty car is 7 years old! |
Itmbp?Gibtm |
Is that my ball pen? Give it back to me |
HN;Ossfhi! |
HealthNet Nepal ; One stop shop for health information ! |