Evidence-Based Health Care & Practice Guidelines

  Evidence-Based Health Care & Practice Guidelines
- Internet Guides
- Internet Sites
- Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
- Databases
- Electronic Newsletters and Journals
- Multimedia Resources
- Teaching and Learning
- Other Resources

Internet Guides
HealthWeb: Evidence Based Health Care
Netting the Evidence: A ScHARR Introduction to Evidence Based Practice on the Internet
Extensive, well-documented guide to international centers, projects, resources, and publications.
Internet Sites
BETs (Best Evidence Topics) were developed in the Emergency Department of Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK, to provide rapid evidence-based answers to clinical questions. BETs take into account the shortcomings of much current evidence and the practical constraints on searching for evidence-based answers in a busy clinical setting.
Centre for Evidence-Based Child Health
Established by the Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Trust, London, UK
Centre for Evidence-based Dentistry
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Headington, Oxford, OX3 7JX, UK
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital - University Health Network
Resources that can be used to practice and teach EBM for undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing education for health care professionals from a variety of clinical disciplines.This site also serves as a support for the book entitled, Evidence-based medicine: how to practice and teach EBM by David L. Sackett, Sharon E. Straus, W. Scott Richardson, William Rosenberg, and R. Brian Haynes.
Centre for Evidence-Based Mental Health (CEBMH)
Contains the journal Evidence-Based Mental Health, links to practice guidelines, and a very useful set of tutorials on finding and evaluating methodologically sound mental health research applicable to clinical practice.
Evidence-based Medicine Resource Center
Varied, useful site that pulls together searchable databases, glossaries, and resources for teaching and for clinical practice. See the Publications section for both a bibliography of frequently-cited items and a regularly-updated list of recent articles.
Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence Based Nursing & Midwifery
"International Research Collaboration based at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Adelaide University with collaborating centres in Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong"
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Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
ACP-ASIM Guidelines
From American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine. Evidence-based guidelines developed using the CEAP (Clinical Efficacy Assessment Project) process
Cancer Care Ontario: Program in Evidence-Based Care (PEBC) and Practice Guidelines Initiative (CCOPGI)
These projects develop and maintain evidence-based care information for patients, families, and health care providers, including clinical practice guidelines and evidence summaries.
Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy
At University of Sydney, Australia. Includes access to PEDro, the Physiotherapy Evidence Database.
Centres for Health Evidence
Canadian project for presenting knowledge-based resources and summaries to health professionals in clinical settings using Internet-based technologies. "Principles" section includes tools for identifying and appraising evidence-based literature.
Cochrane Collaboration
International organization that promotes well-informed decisions about health care by preparing, maintaining, and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of the effects of health care interventions
Evidence Based Emergency Medicine at the New York Academy of Medicine
The EBEM working group is an established project of the Emergency Medicine Section of the New York Academy of Medicine.
Evidence-Based Practice, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Includes Evidence Reports produced by the 12 current Evidence-Based Practice Centers (EPCs). Each EPC reviews all relevant scientific literature on its assigned clinical care topics to produce the reports.
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York
Includes systematic reviews on selected topics, searchable databases, Cochrane Library User Group and training materials
Practice Guidelines, American Psychiatric Association
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)
SIGN's evidence-based guidelines are based on a systematic review and critical appraisal of current scientific literature and graded according to the strength of the supporting evidence. Member organizations represent "all the medical specialties, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, professions allied to medicine, patients, health service managers, social services, and researchers."
Therapeutics Initiative
Evidence-based information on drug therapy from the University of British Columbia
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CDC Prevention Guidelines Database, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Contains current and archived guidelines and recommendations approved by the CDC for the prevention and control of disease, injuries, and disabilities
Clinical Queries using Research Methodology Filters
Specialized PubMed searches use built-in filters to identify studies in one of four categories: therapy, diagnosis, etiology, prognosis. An additional feature lets users identify systematic reviews on their topic on interest.
CMA Infobase, Canadian Medical Association
Clinical practice guidelines produced or endorsed in Canada by a national, provincial or territorial medical or health organization, professional society, government agency or expert panel
CRD Databases, NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York
Includes Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness (DARE), a database of high quality systematic research reviews of the effectiveness of health care interventions; NHS Economic Evaluation Database, a database of structured abstracts of economic evaluations of health care interventions; and the Health Technology Assessment Database
Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
Searchable full text of the US Preventive Services Task Force's recommendations for clinical practice. The second edition (1996) covers over 80 conditions and includes 6,000 citations to supporting literature. The third edition is being published as a series of articles on topics that require updating, starting with the section on screening tests. This interface is from the National Library of Medicine's Health Services/Technology Assessment Text (HSTAT). See also US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF).
National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC)
Comprehensive database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines that is searchable by disease, intervention, and organization. Users can create their own point-by-point guideline comparisons. Produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality in partnership with the American Medical Association and the American Association of Health Plans
The Physiotherapy Evidence Database, from the Centre for Evidence-Based Physiotherapy, University of Sydney
Searches multiple resources (textbook, guidelines, PubMed) simultaneously for medical evidence
TRIP (Turning Research Into Practice)
Simultaneous search of over 60 sources, with results organized into categories including evidence-based, peer-reviewed journals, and guidelines
US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)
USPSTF is an independent panel of primary care and prevention experts that systematically reviews the evidence of effectiveness and develops recommendations for clinical preventive services. The organization's third report is being released in sequential installments beginning in 2002. This page also includes links to PDF files for all recommendations from the 2nd edition (1996) Guide to Clinical Preventive Services.
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Electronic Newsletters and Journals
Evidence-based reviews on clinical topics originally organized as bullet points (hence the name "Bandolier"). Produced monthly for the National Health Service (UK) Research & Development Directorate
Journal of Family Practice POEMs
POEMs (Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters) are articles that focus on a primary care problem; look at patient-oriented outcomes such as symptom improvement, morbidity, mortality, and quality of life; and have the potential to change clinical practice.
Therapeutics Letter
Each issue of this bi-monthly publication addresses an identified problematic therapeutic issue with "brief, simple, practical messages" in the form of evidence-based reviews.
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Multimedia Resources
EBM Calculator v1.1a
Designed to calculate relevant statistics for diagnostic studies, prospective studies, case control studies and randomized control trials (RCT). It is a Palm version of the Stats Calculator. Offered by Mount Sinai Hospital - University Health Network.
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Teaching and Learning
A Guide to Research Methods
Clear, easy-to-read primer. Part of Evidence Based Medicine Course from Medical Research Library of Brooklyn, SUNY Health Sciences
CASPfew Filters
"Have you ever found yourself.... [a]t the end of a literature search with 4000 references?" Help from the NHS' Learning and Development, Public Health Resource Unit. Includes both validated and untested filters for MEDLINE and untested filters for CINAHL, EMBASE, and PsycINFO.
Evidence-based Filters for Ovid CINAHL
Specialized search strategies adapted by Kathryn Nesbit of Miner Library, University of Rochester from those developed by Ann McKibbon and Cindy Walker-Dilks of McMaster University
Evidence-based Filters for Ovid Medline
Specialized search strategies originally developed by Ann McKibbon and Cindy Walker-Dilks of McMaster University and updated by librarians at Miner Library, University of Rochester Medical Center
Evidence-Based Medicine: What it is and what it isn't
By David L. Sackett, William M.C. Rosenberg, J.A. Muir Gray, R. Brian Haynes, and W. Scott Richardson. Based on a January 13, 1996 editorial from the British Medicine Journal (BMJ 1996; 312: 71-2)
Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine
Web tutorial developed by Connie Schardt, Duke University Medical Center Library and Jill Mayer, Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The EBM Toolbox
This Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine collection includes generic resources (Glossary of EBM Terms, Comparison of Study Designs) plus definitions, calculations, and examples for statistical measures used in evidence-based evaluation.
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Other Resources
CONSORT (Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials) is an international initiative to improve the quality of reports of randomized controlled trials.
CONSORT: Further initiatives
The CONSORT approach is being used to improve reporting of other types of investigation through use of evidence-based concepts and standardized formats. These initatives include STARD (Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy); MOOSE (Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology), and QUOROM (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses). ASSERT (A Standard for the Scientific and Ethical Review of Trials) proposes a structured approach for use by research ethics committees in reviewing proposals for and monitoring conduct of randomized controlled clinical trials.
Evidence-Based Dentistry - Journal of the Canadian Dental Association
These articles by Susan E. Sutherland, DDS (first author) include one on evidence-based dentistry building blocks plus a series on methods of evidence-based dentistry. All are available as free full text.
Evidence-Based Surgery - Canadian Journal of Surgery
This occasional series from the Evidence-Based Surgery Working Group began in 2001.
Rational Clinical Examination
From the Society of General Internal Medicine's Clinical Examination Research Interest Group. Includes links to full-text (available only to HSLS-affiliated users).
Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice
Based on the JAMA series described in next item below.
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature
This JAMA series from the Evidence-Based Medicine Working Group provides detailed guidance on how to critically appraise studies and other types of research articles and how to apply their clinical findings to specific patients. (Available only to HSLS-affiliated users; see previous item for comparable resource available without restriction)
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