Health Statistics

  Health Statistics
- Internet Guides
- Internet Sites
- Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
- Databases
- Dictionaries, Directories, and Encyclopedias

Internet Guides
A part of the National Center for Health Statistics site. This is a subject list from A-Z and related statistics. Its is a 'one-stop' place to find health statistics.
Information compiled from 70 agencies in the United States Federal Government who produce statistics of interest to the public.
State Health Facts Online
This resource contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation.
Internet Sites
Vitalnet System - Health Data Analysis
Vitalnet is a software system for linking, analyzing and disseminating birth, death, pregnancy, and other health-related statistics.
National Center for Education Statistics - Health
statistics on the trends in the well-being of american youth such as AIDS knowledge and attitudes, physical fitness, illness, tobacco, alcohol, and drug use and victims of violent crime.
Administration for Children and Families
The Administration for Children and Families contains statistics that deal with the economic and social well-being of families, children and individuals.
Administration on Aging
The Administration on Aging provides statistical information on older persons, including vital statistics and statistics on health and health care.
NCI is part of NIH and its fact books contain cancer statistics including rates, incidence and costs.
Drug Statistics Master Page
Drug Statistics Master Page from the Indiana Prevention Resource Center.
Health Insurance Data
Data on health insurance coverage from 1992 forward in a variety of population groups collected by the US Census Bureau using the annual Current Population Survey (CPS)
Health Insurance Statistics
Indian Health Service
Indian Health Service contains statistical information on the health status of American Indians and Alaska Natives.
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
A compilation of many statistical resources on health produced by US federal government agencies
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
The NHTSA, under the Department of Transportation, collects statistics on traffic safety, motor vehicle fatalities, and crash and injury statistics
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NIAID is a component of the National Institutes of Health, its fact sheets pages provides statistics on health conditions such as AIDS, allergy and asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and fungal infections.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
NIDDK, a component of NIH, provides statistics on diabetes, digestive diseases, endocrine and metabolic diseases and kidney and urologic diseases.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides both statistics and graphics to characterize the current extent, costs, impact, and treatment of the addictive and mental illnesses.
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Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
National Safety Council
Statistics on unintentional injuries, automobile accidents, falls, burns……..
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CDC Wonder
A database that provides access to a wide variety of CDC reports, guidelines, and numeric public health data.
The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute a source of information on cancer incidence and survival in the United States.
WHO Statistical Information System
Access to data from the World Health Organization. Some of it is in the form of downloadable Excel spreadsheets. Links to other health agencies in member countries are also supplied.
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Dictionaries, Directories, and Encyclopedias
Statistical Abstract of the United States
A publication of the Census Bureau it includes searchable Guide to Sources, monthly economic indicators, state rankings, state and county profiles, and frequently requested tables such as consumer price indexes.
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