Child and Adolescent Mental Health

  Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Internet Guides
- Internet Sites
- Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
- Consumer Health Information
- Databases
- Multimedia Resources

Internet Guides
Other Autism Related Resources on the Internet
Links on many aspects of autism
Internet Sites
Assessment of Suicidal Behaviors and Risk among Children and Adolescents
Published in August of 2000, this is a 202 page PDF document evaluating assessment instruments in use or published since 1989.
Autism Research Institute (ARI)
Information for researchers and parents.
Autism- Present Challenges, Future Needs - Why the Increased Rates?
Witnesses prepared statements related to a hearing held on April 6, 2000 before the US House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform. In pdf format, 485 pages.
Autism-Why the Increased Rates? A One-Year Update
Witnesses prepared statements and testimony related to a hearing held on April 25 and 26, 2001 before the US House of Representatives, Committee on Government Reform. In pdf format, 397 pages.
Center for the Study of Autism
Information on autism presented includes subgroups and related disorders, interventions and interviews with researchers and people with autism.
Child and Adolescent Violence Research at the NIMH
Background information on the topic and information on the National Institute of Mental Health programs and grants related to violence in children and adolescents.
Good Practice in the Treatment of Depression in Teenagers
presented by The Australian Network for Promotion Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health, this website focuses on mental health promotion and prevention across all ages of the lifespan.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect
Descriptions of datasets available for purchase to researchers in the areas of child neglect and abuse, as well as other resources for research.
National Network for Child Care
Over 1000 articles related to child care, newsletters, and contact information to support the care of children.
National Parent Information Network
Resources for parents from the ERIC system of the US Department of Education, including full-text articles on many parenting and education topics.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Offers information about using positive behavioral interventions to moderate children's problem behaviors in a school setting in both English and Spanish. Includes links to other resources.
Resources for Children in Distress from Boulden Publishing
print publications, videos, and cd-roms for use as counseling support with children and adolescents.
School Psychology Resources Online
for Psychologists, Parents and Educators
Sleep Needs, Patterns and Difficulties of Adolescents: Summary of a Workshop (2000)
A detailed report of a workshop held in September 1999 by the Forum on Adolescence of the Board on Children, Youth and Families to discuss current research on adolescents and sleep, and the implications of this research for health, education, and public policy.
Surgeon General's Conference on Children's Mental Health
Contains a summary of all presentations at the Sept 19-20, 2000 conference, and the full text of the resulting report. Suggestions for improving the identification and treatment of children with mental health needs are highlighted. An excellent list of web links is at the end of the report.
Taking Stock of Risk Factors for Child/Youth Externalizing Behavior Problems
Report in PDF format from NIMH, 137 pages
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Organizations, Associations, and Agencies
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
public areas of this site contain information about the Academy, its conferences, publications, and consumer information. Professional information is in a members only password protected section not evaluated for this list.
ARCH National Resource Center for Respite & Crisis Care
Respite child care providers in the United States are listed with contact information, along with fact sheets.
Autism Society of America
Information about autism, the Society, news, research activities, and more.
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Provides information and support to families.
Child and Adolescent Research Consortium
This organization within the National Institute of Mental Health promotes research on emotional, developmental, and brain disorders in childhood and adolescence.
National Association for Home Care
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Consumer Health Information
Information on autism for the public provided by the National Institute of Mental Health
Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Information for the public provided by the National Institute of Mental Health on a variety of topics such as autism, bipolar disorder, adhd, and others.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists Search
A database for locating psychiatrists who are licensed and membership of th American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Children and Violence
Information for the public provided by the National Institute of Mental Health
Facts For Families and Other Resources
from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) offers information on a wide range of subjects from "Pets and Children" to "Schizophrenia in Children"
Helping Young Children Deal With Anger
Information suitable for teachers and parents to use with children presented by
Magination Press : Special Books for Children's Special Concerns
Books for children on topics related to emotion and mental health from a branch of the American Psychological Association.
TeensHealth : Mind Matters
Information on a selection of mental health topics for teens from the Nemours Foundation
TeensHealth: Suicide
Describes the warning signs of teen suicide and offers suggestions on how to prevent it. Written for teens.
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National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect : Databases
Two databases are free to the public. The Documents Database contains over 32,000 references to documents on child abuse and neglect and child welfare. Abstracts and citations are given. The Organizations Database describes 129 national organizations that focus on the same topics.
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Multimedia Resources
Parenting Styles That Work With Teens
April 11, 2000 video conference sponsored by the NIH Work and Family Life Center. Real Media format, 1 hr 37 min.
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